• Preparing your garden in autumn

    Sep 06, 2023
    Colourful foliage marks the end of gardening season which can be bittersweet. As temperatures begin to shift and sunlight conditions decline, this is the time to start planning your autumn to-do list. Doing so will ensure your plants stay healthy over the winter and into the spring. Here are some tasks to do before the ground freezes:
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  • Dazzling snow sculpture

    Feb 07, 2023
    Winnipeg winters are notorious for being cold, dark and seemingly everlasting. However, one doesn’t need to look far to find a local event, attraction or activity that embraces the coldest season and all that comes with it. One such popular event is, of course, Festival du Voyageur. As a long-standing sponsor of Festival du Voyageur, Qualico Communities annually selects a prominent location to place one of the event’s famous snow sculptures. This year, because of their popularity, we decided to collaborate with local artists to offer not only one but five snow sculptures in our communities. Read more to learn about Oak Bluff West's snow sculpture.
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  • Backyard winter activities

    Jan 08, 2023
    Winter can seem never-ending but instead of wishing it away, it’s nice to make the most of it. During these winter months it’s important to get a daily dose of fresh air and sunshine, even on the blustery cold days. As an old saying by Alfred Wainwright goes, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.” In the spirit of being hardy Winnipeggers, here are some activities to get you and your family outside this winter to get active, create new memories and have fun in the comfort of your own backyard.
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  • 10 ways to winterize your home and save money!

    Nov 14, 2022
    With Winnipeg typically covered in snow for one-third of the year, Winnipeggers are well known for their resiliency in winter. But, have you considered how your home is handling the frigid temperatures?
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  • Public art

    Aug 15, 2022
    Public art in a community can create a lasting impact to both its visitors and residents. In Oak Bluff West, public art is used to enrich streetscapes and has many benefits.
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