Oak Bluff West Residents Forum - Report a Post

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Forum: Miscellaneous Items
Thread: Current Forum Glitch (Oct 2016)
Post: Thank you for signing up for the Oak Bluff forum! We're excited to have this virtual space for you to with us at Qualico Communities, as well as among yourselves about your neighbourhood and local events and topics. 

If you are encountering problems replying to posts, it is because there is currently a limit to 255 characters for any post replies. It is a glitch with the system that we are working on fixing. It is also why we haven't responded to your questions or comments sooner. We won't be commenting in all threads, only where we have questions to answer or information to add. We will address any questions or comments within 2-3 business days.

We hope to fix the glitch soon - we will let you know when we do. In the meantime, any post replies can be kept short or split between multiple replies. 
