Fall Programs Offered Through The MHRD
Aug 16, 2018
The Macdonald Headingley Recreation District has some exciting fall recreation events for all ages and interests! Click here for the Fall 2018 Program & Community Resource Guide. Below are highlights of some of the activities offered by the MHRD in Oak Bluff West.
Oak Bluff Programs
Come and play pickleball with us! This court sport combines the rules of ping pong, tennis and badminton. Pickleball can be played with 2 or 4 players using a wooden paddle similar to a ping pong paddle and a plastic whiffle ball. Easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a fast-paced competitive game for experienced players. Equipment provided. Please bring clean indoor shoes. Please register at any point to receive program updates as they arise. For more information, call Bill or Lorraine Powell at 204-895-0090.
Oak Bluff Recreation Centre
Mondays, September 10 - December 10

Yogalates is a mixture of Pilates and yoga. You get the best of both worlds, gaining core strength with Pilates and flexibility, balance and relaxation with yoga. Combine them together and you get long, lean muscles throughout your body. We’ll start with the basics and work at the pace you are comfortable with. Beginners welcome. Please bring your yoga mat.
Oak Bluff School - Library
10 Thursdays, October 4 - December 6
Innovation Lab for Kids – Science Experiments (ages 8+)
Innovation Labs are perfect for children who love maker-style or DIY projects! Our Science Experiments Lab may spark a lifelong love for science. The labs are a great blend of creativity, DIY and innovation with hands on experiments and all the tools your child will need to make their own exciting discoveries.
Oak Bluff Recreation - Board Room
Friday, October 12
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Babysitter’s Training (Ages 12+)
An important course for the beginning babysitter. Learn the basics about child-care, first-aid and safety in the home. Students must be 12 years old by December 31st, 2018. Please bring lunch, water bottle, pen and paper.
Oak Bluff Recreation
Saturday, October 20
9:15 am - 3:30 pm
For more information and registration for the programs listed above, please visit the Macdonald Headingley Recreational District's website or call 204.885.2444.