Overview of Fencing Architectural Guidelines

May 13, 2014

Many factors have to be considered when installing a fence including: design, material, and finishes.  In Oak Bluff West, the purpose of architectural guidelines is to achieve an attractive and consistent exterior design throughout the community.

Qualico Communities installs developer fencing which is black chain link, solid wood fence, or black wrought iron, depending on the location of the fence. Homeowners may install their own additional fencing along their rear and side yards as per the following guidelines:

  • For properties adjacent to other residential properties, fencing of a solid wood design consistent with the community aesthetics (i.e. natural wood colours) may be installed on side or rear yards, or an Open Design (either black vinyl coated chain-link or wrought-iron type) may also be used.
  • For properties adjacent to a side street, the fence must be of an Open Design (either black vinyl coated chain-link or wrought-iron type) with a maximum height of five feet along the side street.
  • Additional privacy on all lots can be achieved by planting trees and hedges. For any Open or Chain-link fencing installed by the developer or the homeowner, artificial visual screening or out-buildings may not be placed within ten feet of any rear or side yard fencing. This includes specifically any attachments typical to an open fence, especially privacy slats of any kind. Only vines, shrubs, trees or other similar natural
    horticultural elements are permitted.

Learn more on fencing and other architectural guidelines:  https://oakbluffwest.qualicocommunities.com/docs/librariesprovider26/default-document-library/obw-arch-guidelines-2013mar07-rev8.pdf?sfvrsn=2 

A good neighbor is a fellow who smiles at you over the fence, but doesn't climb over it.
- Arthur Baer