Christmas events in and around Oak Bluff West

Dec 03, 2014
With the first big snowfall of winter behind us, it’s time to get into the spirit of the holiday season. Decorating our homes, baking for the neighbours and building a snowman are some fun and simple ways to actively celebrate in the community – but to really ring in the cheer, get out to these local Christmas events:

Get your body into the spirit with the MSSI Seniors Christmas Luncheon and Old Time Dance on Friday, December 5 at the Oak Bluff Hall. Tickets are $15 and include your meal and live entertainment. Get jolly and don’t be afraid to step on the dance floor – that signature dance move you’ve been hiding might win you some new friends, if not some laughs. Door prizes will also be available. Call Leanne at 204-735-3052 for more information.

If tradition is your thing, let Holy Trinity Anglican Church fill you with happy nostalgia at the Old Fashioned Christmas on Sunday December 7 at 7p.m.
A 19th Century traditional Christmas service will be performed with Evensong.
Location: 5335 Portage Ave. All are welcome


 Tis the season to get out and celebrate with friends old, and new – so make sure to be active, have fun, share laughs and celebrate together as a community.